Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Kebo - Keboan


Banyuwangi is one of the districs in East Java. There is an ethnic named Using who lived in Banyuwangi. The people who lived in the distric are mostly farmers. Especially in Alasmalang Village, Singojuruh and Aliyan Village, Rogojampi there is a special ritual that is related to agriculture are known as “Kebo-Keboan” or “Keboan. Kebo-Keboan is one of the culture which is still implemented annually by people in Banyuwangi. Kebo-Keboan is a ritual which performed more than 4 persons who is acting like they are a buffalo. They have 2 thorns, black skin and big body.

Some people believe that the ritual of Kebo-Keboan in Alasmalang has begun in the 18th century. It happened during the epidemic season in the villages. At that time, all the citizens had disease attacked. The Pests were also attacked plants and of course the farmer could not harvest their crops. Many people starved and died from mysterious illness. The people called it ‘pagebluk’ phase. In a precarious condition, the village elder named Mbah Karti meditating on the hill. During the meditation, he had vision. It contained, the residents were told to hold a ritual of Kebo-Keboan and glorify Dewi Sri or goddess of Sri, as a symbol of prosperity and rice keeper.

The miracle come when the villagers held the ritual. Sick people suddenly cured. Pests that attacked rice plants disappeared . Since then, the ritual kebo-keboan is preserved by villagers because they are afraid if the ritual is not presented, village will once again being attacked by disease and curse.

Kebo-Keboan ritual held once a year in Muharram or Suro (Javanese Calendar). This month is believed by people have megical power. The people will choose one of the date between 1 until 10 which  falls in Sunday. Sunday is chosen because usually the people don’t go to work and the students are free. So, everybody can join the ritual. The ritual will be held before the start of the rice planting season.

The purpose of the ceremony is to ask the fertility of land, abundant crops , and avoid the calamity that will befall plants and also humans who do it. As the ceremony in general, kebo-keboan ceremony in Krajan also be gradual. The stages to be followed in this ceremony are as follows: stage salvation in Petaunan; stage Ider Bumi or the procession around the hamlet Krajan; and stage-keboan kebo rituals are carried out in the rice fields Krajan Hamlet.

The preparation of ritual is begun by setting up the gate of the village which is made from crops and plant all kinds of trees in the road that will be passed by Kebo-Keboan. And women in Alasmalang together to prepare offerings consist of: cone of rice (tumpeng), water jug, kinang ayu, various porridge, inkung chicken and etc. In addition, also prepared a variety of equipment such as the cake ceremony, singkal, hoe, inflammation, pitung fresh, rice, banana, coconut and rice seedlings. All offerings are in addition to the event for safety, will also be stationed at every intersection in the Hamlet Krajan.

The ritual is begun in Petaunan. It is attended by all of the villagers in Kradjan. Implementation of the ceremony in this place is quite simple, that is just a word of welcome from the committee ceremony, followed by a prayer led by the muezzin and ended with a meal together. Pecel pithik as the main menu in the ritual. After that they together do the Ider Bumi ritual. They walk to 4 cardinal direction in the village. The participants of the ceremony consisting of villagers, two pairs or more of kebo-keboan (each kebo-keboan amounting to two people), the carrier offerings, tambourine music player, the player Krajan Barongan, and a women who act like Dewi Sri will conduct a parade ider the earth surrounding the Krajan Village. The parade begins at Petaunan. Arriving at the dam, jagatirta (water control officer) will soon open the dam so that water flows into along the way hamlet that had been planted crops by the youth. Meanwhile, the participants of the ceremony immediately headed to the rice fields owned by Hamlet Krajan. In this rice-fields-keboan kebo are starting to show similar behavior like a buffalo that was plowing or wallowing in the fields. At kebo-keboan'm wallowing, some participants of the ceremony soon fell into the fields to plant rice seed.

Once the seeds are embedded, the other participants immediately scramble to take a new rice seed was planted. The new seeds are planted it is trusted by villagers to save from disaster, to bring luck and blessings. After that, they returned to Petaunan. And the ritual is ended.

The differences between Kebo-Keboan in Alasmalang and Aliyan are in Aliyan the name of the ritual is “Keboan” not “Kebo-Keboan” and name and the history of “Keboan” is totally different with “Kebo-Keboan”. Buyut Wongso or Mbah Wongso Kenongo as the elder village of Aliyan not Mbah Karti.

Ceremony kebo Krajan-keboan in Banyuwangi if examined in depth, contains the values that in turn can be used as a reference in everyday life. These values include: companionship, care, mutual aid, and religious. Common values reflected in the gathering of most members of the community in a place, eat together and pray together for the salvation together as well. This is a form of unity in living together in their environment (in the broad sense). Therefore, this ceremony also contains common values. In this case, togetherness as a community that has a territory, customs and culture of the same. At the procession, as well as afterwards. Preparations that, not only about ritual equipment, but also a place, time, leaders, and participants. Overall it should be well prepared and thoroughly, so the ceremony can proceed smoothly. For that, it takes precision.

Cooperativeness values reflected in the involvement of various parties in organizing the ceremony. They helped one another after the implementation of the ceremony. In this case there who helped prepare food and beverages, to be master of ceremonies, and so forth.

Religious values reflected in the prayer addressed to God in order to get protection, the safety prosperity in life.

Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

Keuntungan dan Kelebihan Virus

Struktur Virus
               Kerugian dari virus adalah dapat menyebabkan banyak sekali penyakit - penyakit yang sulit untuk disembuhkan. Semua virus adalah parasit obligat, artinya hanya dapat hidup di dalam organisme lain dengan cara mengambil keuntungan dari organisme yang ditumpanginya tersebut, sehingga sel inangnya itu akan mendapat kerugian.

                Keuntungan dari virus adalah dapat digunakan di dalam usaha - usaha yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan. Virus biasanya digunakan untuk memindahkan materi genetik dari satu bakteri ke dalam bakteri lainnya yang tidak mungkin dilakkan oleh manusia. Berdasarkan prinsip itu, maka virus digunakan untuk keperluan berikut :
  • Membuat antitoksin
DNA manusia yang mengontrol suatu antitoksin terhadap suatu penyakit dipindahkan oleh virus kepada bakteri tertentu. Dengan begitu bakteri tersebut akan memiliki dan memproduksi antitoksin yang dimiliki manusia. Setelah bakteri tersebut dibiakkan dan dipanen, maka antitoksin tadi dapat digunakan kembali ke dalam tubuh manusia lainnya yang memerlukan antitoksin tersebut.

  • Melemahkan bakteri
Jika DNA virus lisogenik masuk ke dalam DNA bakteri patogen (penyebab penyakit), maka bakteri tersebut menjadi tidak berbahaya sehingga dapat digunakan dalam vaksinasi manusia

  • Memproduksi vaksin 
Vaksin yang didapat dari bakteri yang telah dilemahkan, jika disuntikkan ke dalam tubuh manusia tidak akan menimbulkan penyakit, melainkan tubuh manusia itu akan memproduksi antibodi untuk patogen tersebut sehingga suatu saat jika penyakit patogen sebenarnya menyerang, tubuh manusia tersebut akan dapat melawan patogen tersebut

The Tale of : The Tortoise and The Monkey

The Tortoise and The Monkey

Once upon a time, there lived a tortoise  and a monkey. Both of them lived happily in the dense forest. The dense forest supplied all of their necessary. Tons of foods and millions liters of pure water. They hauted together, ate together and shared food together. They were closed friends.

One day, dryness and famine attacked the forest. The monkey came to tortois and said, “Oh my friend tortois, how can we survive in this situation? I’m so tired looking for a food the whole day long”. “I know, monkey. But we have no choise. If we just stay here and waiting. The food never come to us. Let’s pick them all.” Answered the tortoise.

Day after day they in this condition, until one day, the monkey found a fertile small island. “Tortoise! Come here! Look at that! What a big banana they are. Let’s go to the island and eat as much as we can!” said the monkey. The tortois agreed. Then, the monkey jumped to tortoise’s eggshell and went to the island. They ate a lot of food in the island. They were not famished anymore. But, the cunning of the monkey raised up. He just gave small part of the food and kept the bigger one and ate that. The tortoise didn’t know anything about this and that was happen again and again.

One day, when the monkey stole some friuts in a garden in the island. He was got caught by the owner of the garden, named Pak Tani. And the monkey was put into a cage. The next day, when the tortoise walked around the cage. The monkey called him loudly. “Tortoise! Come here!”. “Wow! What happen to you, monkey? Why are you in this cage?” asked the tortoise. “You know buddy? I’m put in this cage by Pak Tani because I will be married with his beautiful daughter.” Said the monkey. “Oh! How lucky you are! If I can be like you.....” “Of course you can! We can change our posisition. You get in to this cage and I go to outside. Deal?”

Then, the Tortoise agreed. He opened the cage and went inside. The monkey immediately went outside and locked the cage. “Poor you! What a foolish tortoise. Look, I will not marry with Pak Tani’s daughter. Honestly, I will be killed by him. But now, I’m saved cz of you. Thank you verry much~” said the monkey. When Pak Tani came to the cage. He was shocked. Because there is no monkey in his cage. But a tortoise! Then, the tortoise is got free by Pak Tani. But, this is happen again and again.

At last, when the monkey was put into the cage by Pak Tani. The tortoise didn’t want to help him again.

“my friend tortoise, will you help me once again buddy?”

“no! You have lied to me! How could you do that? We were friends, right?”

“I’m sorry my friend, I didn’t meant to.”

The tortoise didn’t gave his help again to the monkey. But the monkey still begged. Finally, the monkey swore, “Fine. Tortoise, look. I swear in the name of God. I will not lie to you anymore, I will not trick you. I will be your friend forever and I will respect to you. Until your eggshell just left. I will respect with you generations. I promise.” When the monkey said his promise the thunder and lightning blew up. After that, tortoise belived that the monkey was telling the truth. Then the tortoise agreed to help monkey. because of this incident, tortoise and monkey became friends again and monkey had no brave to trick or lie to tortoise.